BC-6200 Auto Hematology Analyzer
Up to 110 samples per hour Autoloader can load 50 sample tubes Including NRBC with every CBC SF Cube three-dimension counting method for WBC 5-part, RET and NRBC, up to 37 reportable parameters and 29 research parameters 3 WBC channels contrastive analysis to get more accurate flag and WBC result for abnormal cells Optional Optical-PLT counting when large PLT or small RBC exists More reliable WBC result from avoiding the interference of NRBC Wide linearity range can count high value samples without dilution Both touch screen and PC operation to enhance convenience Recommended and customizable decision rules to re-exam abnormal samples Body fluid analysis, 7 reportable parameters and 11 research parameters Minimal aspiration sample volume, 80uL in whole blood mode,20ul in pre-dilute mode New working procedure brings efficiency by the software labxpert Single aspiration pathway
SF Cube* method to count WBC, 6-part diff, NRBC, RET and PLT-O
DC impedance method for RBC and PLT
Cyanide free reagent for hemoglobin test
*S: Scatter; F: Fluorescence; Cube: 3D analysis
37 Reportable parameters (whole blood): WBC, Lym%, Mon%, Neu%, Bas%, Eos%, IMG%, Lym#, Mon#, Neu#, Eos#, Bas#, IMG#; RBC, HGB, HCT, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW-CV, RDW-SD, NRBC#, NRBC%; PLT, MPV, PDW, PCT, P-LCR, P-LCC, RET%, RET#, RHE, IRF, LFR, MFR, HFR, IPF
29 Research parameters (whole blood): HFC#, HFC%, RBC-O, PLT-O, PLT-I, WBC-O, WBC-D, TNC-D, IME%, IME#, H-NR%, L-NR%, NLR, PLR, WBC-N, TNC-N, InR#, InR‰, Micro#, Micro%, Macro#, Macro%, RPI, H-IPF, IPF#, MRV, FRC#, FRC%, PDW-SD
7 Reportable parameters (body fluid): WBC-BF, TC-BF#, MN#, MN%, PMN#, PMN%, RBC-BF
11 Research parameters (body fluid): Eos-BF#, Eos-BF%, Neu-BF#, Neu-BF%, HF-BF#, HF-BF%, RBC-BF, LY-BF#, LY-BF%, MO-BF#, MO-BF%
2 Histograms for RBC and PLT
3 Three-dimension scattergrams: DIFF, WNB, RET
5 Two-dimension scattergrams: DIFF, WNB, RET, RET-EXT, PLT-O
Data storage capacity:
Up to 10,0000 results including numeric and graphical information
Operating environment
Temperature: 15℃~32℃
Humidity: 30%~85%
WBC: 0-500×109 /L, ≤2.5% (≥4×109 /L), ≤1.0%
RBC: 0-8.60×1012/L, ≤1.5% (≥3.5×10 12/L), ≤1.0%
HGB: 0-260g/L, ≤1.0% (110-180g/L), ≤1.0%
HCT: 0-75%, ≤1.5% (30%-50%), ≤1.0%
PLT: 0-5000×109 /L, ≤4.0% (≥100×109 /L), ≤1.0%
Sample volume:
Whole blood (Autoloader, Closed Tube): 80uL
Capillary blood (Closed Tube): 35uL
Predilute (Closed Tube): 20uL
Body fluid (Closed Tube): 85uL
Up to 110 samples per hour (CBC+DIFF)
Up to 65 samples per hour (RET)
Up to 40 samples per hour (Body fluid)
Loading capacity:
Up to 50 sample tubes